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  • BHS Writing Fellows

Five Pros of Writing Poetry

Updated: May 17, 2019

By: Grace Visco

Poetry is an important and creative form of writing many teens often overlook. It can be a great form of self-expression and a helpful stress reliever. Here are 5 reasons to write as well as some quick tips:

1. Poetry is an important self-reflection tool. Being able to reflect on yourself or society is a crucial tool that can develop empathy. It is important to be able to do this so you can develop yourself as a person.

2. Poetry can help you develop a deeper connection with yourself. Writing poetry makes you more in touch with your emotions. Developing this understanding of how you’re feeling is a vital tool that can help you live your life as your happiest self.

3. The type of writing is a different form than most teens are used to writing. Changing up your writing style is a good way to challenge yourself and improve your writing. Additionally it is a creative outlet.

4. Writing poetry gives the writer a greater self-awareness of not only themselves, but others and the world around them. Developing an understanding of yourself and others can make you more compassionate and understating of your own mistakes, mistakes of others, or complicated situations.

5. Writing poetry can help heal emotional pain. Having a creative outlet can benefit you and will help you alleviate some of your stress or problems.

Tips for Getting Started:

1. Create a rough end goal for your piece. Know your purpose.

2. Try to utilize strong imagery/descriptions

3. It’s okay to not write a perfect poem on your first try. Revise!

If you would like to try writing poetry or need more assistance stop by the Writing Center!

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