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  • BHS Writing Fellows

Four Reasons to Come to the Writing Center

Updated: May 17, 2019

By David Coombs

If you are reading this, then you are probably aware of the recent grand opening of the BHS student-run Writing Center. And you might also be wondering what you have to gain by going there.

Of course, there is the “your writing will significantly improve” reason, but as a 17-year-old, that doesn't really excite me. But here are four reasons to come to the writing

center that do excite me:

1.) A break from teacher-student interactions.

Constant teacher-student relationships can be boring. At the Writing Center, it is completely student-run, so now the interactions are on a student level which may yield a better understanding of concepts and might even spawn new friendships!

2.) A chance to leave the classroom:

The classroom can sometimes suppress creativity. A change in scenery could help with this

problem. At the Writing Center, we have lots of creative art designs, student work, and books which could help flip a creative switch that could make your decent paper great.

3.) A chance to participate in writing activities:

At The Writing Center, we have a lot going on. Sometimes we will have a quiet day of tutoring and the next we may be holding writing competitions. And who knows? there may even be refreshments as well!

4.) The opportunity to participate in something new and original:

The Writing Center is in its early stages, and like Washington's first term in office, there are a lot of precedents that must be set. You could be a part of this. You could help set how things at the Writing Center run. This could be a chance to grow a part of the school into something bigger than all of us. A chance that may never be available again.

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