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  • BHS Writing Fellows

You Aren’t a Beverage; Don’t Bottle Up Your Feelings: The Science of Fiery Cornhole

By Erica Czerwinski & Serena Hawkins

Have you felt filled to the brim with sadness? Anxiety? Stress? Anger? We’ve all been there and we want to help.

Not only are these feelings not fun, but letting them build up can be bad for your health. The websites “Choosing Therapy” and “Better Health” both agree that pent-up anger can lead to high blood pressure, heightened anxiety, and depression. Not great things. To combat this, expressing emotions we might perceive as negative is important. Whether it’s talking to someone or writing it out, “labeling our feelings reduces activation in the amygdala” which means stress is reduced.

The student writing center has set up the perfect way to release your anger. Sneak into the lower library for a game of FIERY CORNHOLE.

Sometimes the best ways to relieve stress can be through writing and burning letters. David James Di Pardo from “Best Self” claimed that “Through writing letters — and burning them — we can release the pain of old wounds and stale dreams.” While we aren’t allowed to set an actual fire in the lower library, we have set up the safest possible alternative. Write all the things that make you mad or anxious or sad, crumple it up, and toss it into our (nonflammable) flaming recycling bin.

Student Remarks:

Writing Fellow Bella Gill says “there are multiple times when I have wanted to crumple up my stress and throw it away.” If you feel this way, please visit us in the writing center for this opportunity.

Writing Fellow Sofia Wojtaszek (who has had a sneak peek of the station) also vocalized her opinions on the Fiery Cornhole Activity claiming, “I love this game!”

When asked if their mental health would improve if they had an opportunity to play a game of fiery cornhole, writing Fellows Annabel Willey and Hawa Khalif enthusiastically cut us off answering “YES!” strongly.

Eager participant Veronica Chang also agreed, saying “yes”.

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